General Assembly

EM-TECH General Assembly 

It was on July 10 and 11 when the EM-TECH consortium got together in Erfurt, Germany for the third general assembly and to discuss the project status and next steps. Special thanks to the colleagues from our partner TU Ilmenau and for hosting the meeting and providing an excellent and amicable framework for intensive exchange. 

During the meeting, the project participants were focusing their discussion (among other topics) on: 

  • low-level and high level control strategy, in order e.g., to create the control logic behind the e-gear design, and integrate this capability into the overall vehicle control strategy
  • gathering the correct amount of information to support life cycle sustainability assessment (especially focusing on the permanent magnet and e-motor design) while not disclosing highly confidential IPs
  • all inputs needed for the periodic report and consequent review meeting with our project officer

Thanks a lot to all colleagues involved and looking forward to meet you all on- and offline very soon to continue the work on the actions defined. 

EM-TECH meets Green Tech Valley

Due to the project partners UrbanGold GmbH and AVL and their cooperation within EM-Tech with European partners like Politecnico di Torino on LCA, the EM-Tech project is presented at the website of the Green Tech Valley.

The cluster, active in the south of Austria is following the “Vision 100: 1 World. 0 Carbon. 0 Waste.” and is supporting the large number of partners with know-how and services in the field of climate protection and circular economy.

EM-TECH project meeting No. 3

It was already the third time, the EM-Tech consortium got together – this time in Torino, Italy. Co-hosted by Politecnico di TorinoCars@Polito and Ideas & Motion, the participants came together discussing the status of the project, the next steps and – as you can see from the pictures – the meeting included a tour to the testing facilities used within the project.

Thanks a lot to our hosts and organizers Nicola AmatiClaudio Romano, Barbara Almond, SauliusMarius Pakštys and all other colleagues involved. We are looking forward to meeting you all again online and in person. 

Watch all the presentations

In October of 2023, the EM-TECH project had the opportunity to be part of an event called “Sustainable Drives: Exploring Innovations in Green Vehicle Propulsion”. It was a great online meeting that included not only our project, but also the projects MAXIMAVOLTCAR and HEFT.

In case you missed the event, here is a link to rewatch all the presentations:

Sustainable Drives: Exploring Innovations in Green Vehicle Propulsion – Watch the Presentations

Enjoy the videos and don’t hesitate to contact us in case of questions.

“Towards the sustainable vehicle era”

“Towards the sustainable vehicle era”

In November, Cars@PolitoPolitecnico di Torino organized and conducted the workshop “Towards the sustainable vehicle era” where the EM-Tech project has been part of the poster session. 

The event, has been an excellent opportunity for both academic as well as industrial partners coming together and exchanging on most recent innovations; such as the EM-Tech partners Cars@PolitoPolitecnico di Torino, represented here by Antonella Accardo and Nicola Amati, and Ideas & Motion, represented by Claudio Romano.

Thank you very much for the fruitful exchange as well as perfect organization of the workshop!

Eco-Mobility 2023

🔵 How to achieve 100 % sustainable mobility? Circular Economy – from Cradle to Grave and back to Cradle 🔵 

On November 16 and 17, the 18th A3PS – Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems Conference Eco-Mobility 2023 took place in Vienna and the E-VOLVE cluster and all partner projects have been presented by Eric Armengaud, leading the working group “industrialization and exploitation” of the cluster. 

This year’s theme of the conference was “How to achieve 100 % sustainable mobility? Circular Economy – from Cradle to Grave and back to Cradle“ and provided excellent keynote speeches and ground breaking input in the thematic sessions provided by the international participants. 

The E-VOLVE cluster presentation was part of the session “AVC Advanced Vehicle Concepts” and focused on presenting the cluster as well as the projects and their innovative approaches as contribution to the European R&D landscape. Chaired by Brandstätter Bernhard from Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH and lead of the cluster working group “Scientific Board”, the session concluded with a panel discussion with Christian Kurzböck from Virtual Vehicle and a vivid exchange among the participants of the session. 

We would like to thank A3PS and Conference Chair Dr. Michael Noest, MBA in representation of the organizers for the invitation and excellent organization and all participants for the fruitful discussions. We are looking forward to further exchange.  

📷 : Jenny Weidenauer and Christian Kurzböck, thank you very much for your support!

Sustainable Drives: Exploring Innovations in Green Vehicle Propulsion

We are looking back to a great event together with the projects MAXIMA, VOLTCAR and HEFT and can now share with you the presentation given by Eric Armengaud on behalf of the EM-Tech project. It was a great event and we received many interesting questions from the participants; thanks a lot to organizers, presenters and participants.

Please enjoy the video and don’t hesitate to come back to us in case of questions.

E-VOLVE Newsletter

Our EM-TECH project is, together with the HighScape project, featured in the latest newsletter of the E-VOLVE Cluster. The article is about the common publication that both projects wrote for the FISITA World Congress 2023.

Follow this link to get access to the whole newsletter.

FISITA world congress

Together with the partners of the HighScape project, the EM-TECH consortium has been putting together a paper on “Innovative e-Machine and Power Electronics Solutions for e-Axle and e-Corner vehicle Powertrains“ that was presented by Eric Armengaud at the FISITA World Congress 2023 in Barcelona. 

Workshop on “Sustainable Drives”

The EM-TECH project is part of a very interesting workshop regarding “Sustainable Drives: Exploring Innovations in Green Vehicle Propulsion”. 

On October 24 you can join us from 10:00 to 12:00 for a workshop bringing together four pioneering European projects in the filed of electrification in the automotive industry:

🔸 HEFT – Novel concept of a low-cost, high-power density and highly efficient recyclable motor for next-generation mass-produced electric vehicles 
🔹 MAXIMA – Modular AXIal flux Motor for Automotive 
🔸 Voltcar Project – Design, manufacturing, and validation of ecocycle electric traction motor 
🔹 EM-Tech – Innovative e-motor technologies covering e-axles and e-corners vehicle architectures for high-efficient and sustainable e-mobility

The event is concluded by a panel discussion on “The Future of Electric Mobility”. 

We are herewith inviting you to register for the event and join us on October 24.

To read more about the program and the presenters, please visit the MAXIMA website.

We’re looking forward to your participation and interesting exchange! Thanks to the MAXIMA project for the invitation and great organization.