D7.1 Projects Corporate Identity & Communication Plan V1

The Horizon Europe EM-TECH project brings together 10 participants from industry and academia to develop novel solutions to push the boundaries of electric machine technology for automotive traction.

The deliverable “Project’s corporate identity including communication plan” provides an overview on the corporate identity created for this project, the plan for communication and the communication channels established to reach the goals set in the communication plan:

  • Section 2 Project’s corporate identity
  • Section 3 Communication strategy and plan
  • Section 4 Communication material
  • Section 5 Communication channels
  • Section 6 Communication multiplicators – clusters and associations

Read the full public deliverable here.

D1.2 Data Management Plan

This deliverable of EM-TECH identifies and describes all datasets that occur or will occur in the project. In a first step different categories of data and datasets have been identified. Then for every project output all expected datasets have been documented. In a third step, all datasets have been described in detail. The target of this task is to ensure careful planning on project management level, to raise awareness for data management as well as provide guidance on partner level and to provide information on stakeholder level. This deliverable will be updated in month 18 (mid-term) and at the end of the project in month 36.

Read the full public deliverable here.

D2.1 Report on the EM-TECH integrated electric motors, electric drives, and associated controllers

The Horizon Europe EM-TECH project brings together 10 participants from industry and academia to develop novel solutions to push the boundaries of electric machine technology for automotive traction.

Target of this deliverable (related to Task T2.1) is to define the basic sizes (continuous and peak torque and power ratings, mass, expected available packaging envelopes) of the investigated components and systems for case studies. Furthermore, a set of integrated EM-TECH corner modules and on-board electric drive solutions for electric vehicles are defined to cover the widest possible range of vehicle segments.

This deliverable also describes the associated machine control such as the cooling control and the inverter control for the new machines, and the vehicle controls to exploit the benefits to vehicle performance brought by the new machines, including the wheel slip control, the motor regenerative braking and braking blending, and the anti-jerk control.

Read the full public deliverable here.