Eco-Mobility 2023

🔵 How to achieve 100 % sustainable mobility? Circular Economy – from Cradle to Grave and back to Cradle 🔵
On November 16 and 17, the 18th A3PS – Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems Conference Eco-Mobility 2023 took place in Vienna and the E-VOLVE cluster and all partner projects have been presented by Eric Armengaud, leading the working group “industrialization and exploitation” of the cluster.
This year’s theme of the conference was “How to achieve 100 % sustainable mobility? Circular Economy – from Cradle to Grave and back to Cradle“ and provided excellent keynote speeches and ground breaking input in the thematic sessions provided by the international participants.
The E-VOLVE cluster presentation was part of the session “AVC Advanced Vehicle Concepts” and focused on presenting the cluster as well as the projects and their innovative approaches as contribution to the European R&D landscape. Chaired by Brandstätter Bernhard from Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH and lead of the cluster working group “Scientific Board”, the session concluded with a panel discussion with Christian Kurzböck from Virtual Vehicle and a vivid exchange among the participants of the session.
We would like to thank A3PS and Conference Chair Dr. Michael Noest, MBA in representation of the organizers for the invitation and excellent organization and all participants for the fruitful discussions. We are looking forward to further exchange.
📷 : Jenny Weidenauer and Christian Kurzböck, thank you very much for your support!