Entries by emtechproject

“Towards the sustainable vehicle era”

“Towards the sustainable vehicle era” In November, Cars@PolitoPolitecnico di Torino organized and conducted the workshop “Towards the sustainable vehicle era” where the EM-Tech project has been part of the poster session.  The event, has been an excellent opportunity for both academic as well as industrial partners coming together and exchanging on most recent innovations; such as the […]

Eco-Mobility 2023

🔵 How to achieve 100 % sustainable mobility? Circular Economy – from Cradle to Grave and back to Cradle 🔵  On November 16 and 17, the 18th A3PS – Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems Conference Eco-Mobility 2023 took place in Vienna and the E-VOLVE cluster and all partner projects have been presented by Eric Armengaud, leading the working group […]

E-VOLVE Newsletter

Our EM-TECH project is, together with the HighScape project, featured in the latest newsletter of the E-VOLVE Cluster. The article is about the common publication that both projects wrote for the FISITA World Congress 2023. Follow this link to get access to the whole newsletter.

FISITA world congress

Together with the partners of the HighScape project, the EM-TECH consortium has been putting together a paper on “Innovative e-Machine and Power Electronics Solutions for e-Axle and e-Corner vehicle Powertrains“ that was presented by Eric Armengaud at the FISITA World Congress 2023 in Barcelona. 

Workshop on “Sustainable Drives”

The EM-TECH project is part of a very interesting workshop regarding “Sustainable Drives: Exploring Innovations in Green Vehicle Propulsion”.  On October 24 you can join us from 10:00 to 12:00 for a workshop bringing together four pioneering European projects in the filed of electrification in the automotive industry: 🔸 HEFT – Novel concept of a low-cost, […]

Results that count

Do you know the EVC1000 Project?  We’ve already mentioned this project in some updates but it is definitely time to put more attention to it. EVC1000 is a successfully completed project with the aim to …  “support the transition to electrification by innovative and mass-production optimised components enabling the efficient integration of powertrain and chassis systems to […]

Report on the EM-Tech integrated electric motors, electric drives, and associated controllers

Let’s have a closer look at one of our public deliverables and the work performed there! The target of this deliverable is to define the basic sizes (continuous and peak torqueand power ratings, mass, expected available packaging envelopes) of the investigated components andsystems for case studies. Furthermore, a set of integrated EM-TECH corner modules and […]

TU Ilmenau Research Night – Practical insights into use of X-in-the-loop techniques in the domain of automotive engineeringTU Ilmenau Research Night –

Marius Heydrich from TU Ilmenau was presenting the EM-Tech project at the TU Ilmenau Research Night. Have a read on his report of this evening. “As everyone knows, a modern vehicle is a quiet complex constellation of hard- and software components. Especially electric vehicles have more electrically driven systems than those with ICE, which increases […]

E-VOLVE Cluster News

The summer edition of the E-VOLVE newsletter is now out! 🌞 🔎 Besides our project, also the cluster members HighScape and HiPE used the time to hold their General Assembly Meetings. This edition will give you a closer look at each meeting. 📅 You will also find a summary of the next upcoming events from SELFIE EU project, SCAPE – […]