European Researchers Night 2024
This year’s European Researchers Night took place on September 27 and in Graz (Austria), UrbanGold GmbH and Armengaud Innovate GmbH teamed up to represent the EM-TECH project with a joint stand at Life is Science – “In a world turned upside down”.

All pictures: copyright acib, T. Schärfl
Visitors to the EM-TECH stand had the chance to engage into (electro) magnetism, discuss and see the effect of magnets including rare earth and build their own mini electric motors. It was inspiring to see the patience and passion the kids devoted to building their mini electric motors. But it was not only the young visitors getting engaged. Just across the other side of the hallway, our E-VOLVE Cluster colleagues HiPE and EFFEREST had a joint stand where children were able to build lemon batteries. Well, it was quite obvious for the team members to get together and combine the experiments by replacing the battery of the electric motor with a lemon.
All in all, the event attracted more than 1000 visitors and we would like to express our thanks to the organizers acib GmbH, University of Graz and FH-St Pölten for the excellent organization and great experience.
This year’s European Researchers Event is over – but next year will be coming and we are looking forward to the next ERN on September 26, 2025. And in the meantime (and if you are understanding German), take some time to listen to the newest podcast edition of “Die BioteXperten” diving into the different stations. And maybe you’ll discover the voice of Eric Armengaud presenting the EM-TECH project?